The Black Women Networking Int'l Directory
Our directory is designed to connect black women entrepreneurs and professionals from around the world. It serves as a platform for networking, collaboration, and business growth. Whether you are looking for potential business partners, clients, or resources, our directory can help you expand your network and reach. Join our community today and unlock new opportunities for success.
Kisha Jones-Pate
Founder & CEO
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
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I'm a paragraph. To update me, go to the Data Manager. The Data Manager is where you store and collect data for your site.
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I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
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I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
Kristen Brown
Motivational Speaker
I'm a motivational public speaker and Atlanta georgia. I live in a nursing home in Carrollton, GA.
© 2023 by Black Women Networking International. Designed and Powered by The Black Wall Street Nation.
Black Women Networking Int'l
P. (470) 331-6018
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